Regardless of your means to make a living, do you go above and beyond? Do you perform only what is required of you? In this day and time, people try to do the least as possible but expect more in return. The difference in being successful and unsuccessful is what one is willing to do to reach their goal. Going above and beyond is a choice that you make. Going above and beyond shows your dedication to your cause. Going above and beyond will inspire imagination. Sometimes, going above and beyond is the right thing to do but it is still your decision.
When we do more than what is required of us, we receive more than what we gave. When we do more than what is required of us, we automatically do it in a pleasing manner. We are not forcing ourselves to do it. Our disposition to others comes across as sincere and heartfelt because it is. We truly want to help. We are more than willing to do everything in our power to resolve an issue even if it means going above and beyond.
I have had several situations in my career as a Plant Engineer where I went above and beyond. In all of the situations, what I did was not my responsibility. I could have easily passed the buck. I could have simply pointed them in the direction of where they needed to go. I did not do that. I took the time to help them resolve a situation that was important to them. I made the phone calls for them. I investigated for information on the Internet. I personally took them to who they needed to speak with and then followed up to make sure their situation was resolved. You can never lose sight on who is your customer.
In my personal life, I have gone above and beyond to help a stranger and a friend. Some call it "paying it forward". For me, I'm doing all I can to help someone in need. The satisfaction of being part of a solution is enough.
In business, I have seen a decline in good customer service. No matter what you do, you have a customer. In life, we coexist with one another. For both cases, going above and beyond reveals what matters most to us.
I challenge you today to go above and beyond. Pay close attention to the impact it will have on your life.