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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Can you be patient?

We have all heard the importance of being patient. It is difficult at times because you want things to happen right now. If we really look at being patient, it is always something that is not in our control. When you understand what is and what is not under your control, you will then understand patience. As you pursue your goals, there will be times where things will not move as fast as you would like. There will be times where your belief in yourself and your goal will be tested. You have to be patient. Being patient in some circumstances will be considered persevering. Being patient in other circumstances will be maintaining composure. If you want to achieve your goal, you will have to be patient. To be patient keeps you in control of your situation. To be patient allows you to focus on your goal. To be patient shows your courage against adversity. To be patient is more than just waiting; it's your commitment to your dream. You always have a choice in life. The question is do you really want to achieve your goal? If your answer is yes, then you have answered the next question.

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