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Thursday, November 24, 2011


What is your passion in life? This question was posed to me by a friend. I'm passionate about a few things that drives me to do what I do. I love getting knowledge and sharing it with others. I love helping others to fulfill dreams and reach goals. I love problem solving. I love teaching. The question is am I doing those things to make a living. The answer is yes and no. My job as a supervisor involves those passions but yet there is no real satisfaction. My big picture goal in life is to be able to do whatever it is that I want to do. I have always said that whatever you can do for free, that is what you need to do to make a living. I can do my passions for free. I can spend hours researching. I can spend hours sharing what I know to others. I can spend hours teaching. The problem is that I got caught up in the rat race. I pursued goals that may not have necessarily been mine. This is not to say that I'm not happy but I'm not doing what I know I should be doing. What is your passion in life? I decided that I'm going to pursue my passions again. I decided that I have a greater responsibility to others to give. I decided that if I want to achieve my big picture goal, I have to follow my passions. This is why I write. This is why I speak. This is why I coach. My happiness is delivered when I reach one person. My satisfaction is received when I help someone achieve their goal. What is your passion in life? What is it that you could do for free? What brings you happiness? Money is always associated with success. Yet is success defined by how much money you make? Money has allowed some of us to pursue not our passion but money. What is your passion in life?

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