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Saturday, November 19, 2011


Is there such a thing as Luck? Do you believe that things just happen? If you look up the definition of 'Luck', it  is some unknown force that operates for good or bad regarding someone. So 'Luck' is beyond our control. We have no bearing on what happens so therefore either you have luck or you do not. I don't believe that. First, let me say that I don't believe in Luck. Second, if you want to hold on to the word 'Luck', I have found a definition that will change the way you view 'Luck'. What if I told you that 'Luck' is something that you can control. What if I told you that 'Luck' can be predicted. What if I told you that ultimately you can create your own 'Luck' or at the minimum influence it. Let me be clear: YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR OWN LUCK; YOU CAN INFLUENCE LUCK; YOU CAN CREATE YOUR OWN LUCK. Over the next several posts, we will breakdown what I believe 'Luck' is. We will analyze, have examples and conclude that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LUCK. Sound crazy? I promise you that when I'm done breaking down 'Luck', you will have a new outlook on life. On the next post I will give you the definition I have found (not created by me). We will begin to break it down. Get Ready!

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